Message from the COO: Expanded campus access beginning Monday, June 17

June 14, 2024

Dear fellow members of the Columbia community, 

Beginning Monday, June 17, the Morningside campus will be open to everyone – including non-CUID holders – between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., seven days a week. With these changes, we are pleased to welcome back to campus all members of affiliated schools, alumni, our community neighbors, visitors, and many others. Campus can be accessed during these hours through the College Walk gates at 116th Street and Broadway and 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, as well as the Wien Gate on 116th Street between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive and the Earl Gate at 117th Street and Broadway. 

Between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. each day, the Morningside campus will be open to all individuals with a valid Columbia University ID. Campus can be accessed during these hours through the north pedestrian gates at 116th Street and Broadway and 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, as well as the Wien Gate on 116th Street between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive. For questions regarding access please contact Public Safety at [email protected].  

Columbia affiliates should continue to pre-register guests visiting the Morningside campus. Please keep in mind that circumstances may arise that require a return to restricted campus access, and continued adherence to university rules and policies is fundamental to achieving our shared goal of maintaining an open campus. 

Thank you for your continued patience, understanding, and support. 


Cas Holloway 

Chief Operating Officer