Annual Security Report

Columbia University publishes an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report consistent with the requirements of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (or the Clery Act). The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, published by October 1 each year, contains essential information regarding campus security policies and procedures, including: 

  • Crime prevention 
  • Fire safety 
  • Crime reporting policies 
  • Prevention and awareness programs 
  • Services and resources for victims and witnesses of crimes 
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Other information related to the safety and security of the Columbia community

The report also contains statistics about certain criminal offenses (Clery Act Crimes) that were reported to the Department of Public Safety and occurred in and around the Columbia campuses as defined by the Clery Act. Additionally, the report also contains statistics on on-campus housing fires. 

Clery Act Crimes Include: 

  • Murder/non-negligent manslaughter 
  • Negligent manslaughter 
  • Robbery 
  • Aggravated Assault 
  • Burglary 
  • Motor Vehicle Theft 
  • Arson 
  • Rape 
  • Fondling 
  • Incest 
  • Statutory Rape 
  • Domestic Violence 
  • Dating Violence 
  • Stalking 
  • Liquor, Drug and Weapons Law Violations 
  • Hate and Bias Crimes including Larceny, Vandalism, Intimidation and Simple Assault 

Both sets of criminal and fire statistics are also reported to the U.S. Department of Education and published on their Campus Safety and Security website. To see these statistics, please visit, click on the "Get Data for One School" section, and search for Columbia University. You can also see the statistics and review all the other campus safety information included in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report linked below.

For more information on the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report or other Clery Act requirements, please contact our Director, Clery Act Compliance, Roberto A. Pineda Sanchez, by emailing [email protected].

Download Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2023

Printed copies are available at the Public Safety offices on the Morningside, Manhattanville, and Medical Center campuses. The report will is also distributed to departments across the University.

View past reports below.