We are writing to provide an update regarding a January 19, 2024, incident on campus: The “foul-smelling substance” sprayed during a demonstration was not any bio-chemical weapon, illicit substance or personal protective spray. Rather, the substance sprayed was a non-toxic, legal, novelty item that can be purchased online and in stores throughout the country.
We hope that this is a step forward in the long healing process for our community. We know that some members of our community were impacted by this incident and remind everyone of the resources available:
- Morningside and Manhattanville students: Columbia Health supports students’ physical and mental well-being. Columbia Health Counseling and Psychological Services offers individual counseling, support groups, and drop-in hours. Call 212-854-2878 if you are experiencing high levels of distress and need immediate assistance.
- CUIMC students: Student Health on Haven offers support sessions, individual counseling, and support groups. Call 212-305-3400 if you are experiencing high levels of distress and need immediate assistance.
- In addition, please reach out to your Dean of Students as an additional resource for support.