Message from the COO: Access Changes to Columbia’s Morningside Campus Beginning May 8
Dear fellow members of the Columbia community,
Beginning tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., we will expand access at the Morningside campus to all Columbia undergraduates and to GSAS MA and PhD students in teaching or academic support roles this semester. Restoring access for these Columbia Morningside-based affiliates will strengthen the pedagogical undertaking and provide students with greater access to dining halls, libraries, and the Dodge Fitness Center during this period of final exams. Faculty and students will be able to interact in person, and researchers will be able to advance their critical discovery work. Together we will take another important step forward in rebuilding community on our campus while providing for the safety and security of everyone.
This is in addition to the existing access for Morningside faculty, students residing in residential buildings on campus, employees who provide essential services to campus buildings, libraries, labs and residential student life, and all CUID holders registered with the University for campus accommodations such as accessible building entrances and lifts have access to campus. Researchers who require physical access to their laboratories for research continuity purposes should request approval for access from their relevant dean. Restriction at the Morningside campus remains in effect for affiliates of Barnard and Teachers College as well as Columbia affiliates based at CUIMC, Manhattanville, and other campuses.
We have added an additional entry point to increase access to campus. Beginning tomorrow, you can enter campus at College Walk at Amsterdam and 116th Street and the Earl Hall Gate at 117th Street and Broadway.
We all have a role to play in making this effort successful, and I ask that we come together in support of Columbia’s academic mission; adhere to our common values of honoring learning, mutual respect, civil disagreement, free expression, and kindness; and respect Columbia’s rules and policies, which are in place for the benefit of all. As a reminder, tents and camping are not permitted on campus.
Please know that the safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff is our top priority. As I conveyed in my message to you last Thursday, we continue to guard against further disruptions to our academic mission and carefully weigh the risk that tensions and activities in the city and around the country could spill over onto our campus and threaten the safety of our community.
The Morningside campus is at the heart of our community, and we are committed to bringing it back to all of you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and support.
Cas Holloway
Chief Operating Officer