Vendor Clearance to Visit Campus - New Requirements for Campus Access

Effective Monday, June 22, 2020, all faculty, staff, and students are required to complete a COVID-19 symptom self-check (screening) every day before they enter campus premises. This requirement also extends to all visitors prior to being permitted to enter a Columbia University building or facility.

Service Provider Health Screening Form.pdf

July 02, 2020

While Columbia presently has a no-visitor policy, which will continue to be the policy after June 22, 2020, the following exceptions are in place:

  • Patients and individuals accompanying them. Screening of patients coming to outpatient facilities will be done at time of arrival (in addition to the day prior to the visit, if this is the procedure of the practice). It will be documented in Epic that they were screened and that the screening was negative.
  • Research participants and individuals accompanying them. Screening of research participants coming to Columbia University buildings will be done at the time of arrival (in addition to the day prior to the visit, if this is the protocol). More information about screening of research participants can be found in the Ramp-up of Human Subjects Research FAQs.
  • All other visitors including construction, consultants, and other service workers and deliveries. Construction workers and other service personnel are required to register with facilities prior to entering the facility and either to complete the screening at that time or provide an attestation from their employer that the screening was completed each day the visitor enters a Columbia University building or facility.

Screening Process for Service Providers

New York State has implemented a travel advisory and quarantine restrictions on travelers arriving from states with significant community spread of COVID-19. If you have recently traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread, do not fill out this health screening form. Please visit the New York Department of Health website for more information on how to self-quarantine.

  • Visitors, contractors, consultants, and other service providers requiring access to University buildings and locations must complete a screening with the same questions used by the University.* A health screening form can be downloaded and completed before reporting or entering any University building or location. Service providers may use their own screening questionnaire provided that the questionnaire complies with New York State requirements.
  • Completed forms must be submitted to the service provider’s employer for review and appropriate guidance prior to personnel reporting or entering a building/location on campus. Only those who are eligible (cleared) to work on campus should be allowed to report/enter. Those who are not eligible (not cleared) by their employer should be told to not report to campus. All completed forms must be kept as part of the employer’s records and made available for review by the University upon request.
  • In an effort to minimize possible disruptions to expected services and deliveries, the following protocols should be in place:
    • Lab administrators need to contact all service providers and provide a copy of Columbia University’s symptom health screening form.
    • Service providers need to email lab administrator in advance of the service date a copy of signed health screening form.
    • When a service provider comes on campus, he/she needs to have a copy of the signed health screening form to gain entry to the building to provide service.
  • Should a service provider who was unable to receive advanced clearance require access to a building or location on campus, a call should be placed to the Columbia University Facilities and Operations Service Center at 212-854-2222. Buildings with portal security are able to provide a printed screening form.

*Screening questions are consistent with the New York State Interim Guidance for Higher Education Research During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.