Morningside Campus Access Levels

Current Campus Access Status Level: "I" - ID Only

Campus open to active affiliate CUID holders and approved guests only


Current Access Points to Campus

The following gates are available 24/7 (except where noted) only to active Columbia affiliates with a valid CUID and approved guests.

  • 116th St. and Broadway – 24/7 access
  • 116th St. and Amsterdam – 24/7 access
  • Wien Gate (116th St. between Amsterdam and Morningside Drive) – 24/7 Access
  • Carman Gate (114th St. near Broadway) – 24/7 access
  • Earl Hall Gate (117th St. and Broadway) – Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (closed on University Holidays)

CUID holders registered with the University for campus accommodations have swipe access into accessible building entrances at the campus perimeter. For questions regarding access please contact Public Safety at [email protected].

Guest Access

The guest registration portal is available for the entire campus community to request guest access at the Morningside campus:

  • All guest requests can now be submitted directly through the guest registration portal.
  • When approval is needed, the process has been substantially streamlined to prevent delays and reduce administrative workload.
  • Guest requests must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. the evening prior to the date of access.
  • Requests can include multi-guest registrations and multiple days. Use the "Register Multiple Guests" tab at the top of the guest registration portal to access these features.
  • We are working to expand the guest registration portal to our affiliated institutions, including Barnard and Teachers College.
  • "Help Gates" are available at Broadway and 116th and at Amsterdam and 116th to help with exceptional access needs, including guests who do not have QR codes, have a non-functional QR code, or are without valid CUID.


Alumni Community CUIDs are temporarily suspended for campus access purposes. Other benefits remain available. Please visit the Alumni website for more information about alumni benefits.

Building Access

CUIDs are required to access buildings at the Morningside campus. Buildings are operating at normal hours. Note, the International Affairs Building (IAB) will continue to lock at 11:00 p.m. on weeknights after Lehman Library closes and will reopen in the morning at its normally scheduled time. If you require urgent access during restricted hours, please contact Public Safety at 212-854-2797.

The Campus Access Level System

The campus access status levels have been developed to simplify communication regarding the current circumstances on and around the Morningside campus. The current system - evolving from the previous color-coded system - is intended to clarify the description of access to campus. 

The current campus access status level is determined by several criteria that evaluate the potential for disruption to our academic mission and/or campus operations. The status level will be adjusted up or down to reflect then-current circumstances, including information received from law enforcement and other sources regarding potential events that could affect Columbia. Depending on the circumstances, the campus status level could change with sometimes little advance notice based on changing circumstances.